Last Updated on 29 April 2024 by gerry
Another gorgeous day here and we hatched a simple plan to visit the neighbouring town of Canet de Mar on foot along the beaches between here and there. This took us to parts of Arenys de Mar we had not yet seen. Bars and restaurants beyond the marina and an expansive stretch of beach flanked a fair distance from the water by a pleasant walkway that leads all the way to Canet de Mar.
At a certain point, you cross the Canet de Mar boundary and begin to encounter a few seafront eateries. This is our second visit to Canet and a fresh one from this angle. The sprawl of the town at the seafront is not very large so it was not a long walk from the furthest extent of our walk along the beach to find ourselves in the main street looking at restaurant menus. The impressive Modernista restaurant was fully booked and we settled for the L’hostalet de Canet, where we’d had a coffee with Marta previously. It was a fortunate choice because the food was to die for. I had the tastiest veggie-burger I’ve come across in a long time. Served so simple with a tomato-based sauce and homemade chips.

We indulged in some rather late Vermut time (it was 3pm by the time we ate) and I was able to take part in a family zoom on our outside table, such was the relaxed nature of the vibe in this place.