Last Updated on 29 April 2024 by gerry
Our final full day saw us get our bags packed first thing. Hotel reception had a handheld digital suitcase scale which was a great help to figure out how much we could get in the big case for our 20kg. We seemed to be managing quite well considering we’d acquired a few items of clothing, although most of our toiletries were used up at this stage. With all that mundane stuff reassuringly sorted out so early, it felt like we still had the whole day to squeeze a bit more fun out of our trip.
The plan was to return to one of the beaches at Sant Pol (Alison’s choice today), return home for some food at Bon Repòs, then maybe a picnic on the beach at Santa Susanna and finally a ramble in the local area, perhaps stopping off at one of those fishy foot spa places. At the shop in Sant Pol we bumped into a fella called Stephen who has been living in the town teaching English for many years. It turns out he is London Irish and has some interesting perspectives on living in Catalonia and language.

We headed south of the station hoping to find a spot on the first cove just a short walk along the train tracks. Tuesday seemed a good day for it, as the beach wasn’t at all busy and we found a nice bit for our beach blanket and then the guy next to us in the really prime spot got up to leave and we moved into that perfect nook, where the rocks offered more cover from passing trains etc. The sun was so hot, it felt like your skin was in a toaster at times, so we made sure we were well covered in sun cream and turning frequently. Swimming conditions were gorgeous too – it wasn’t at all rocky underfoot in the water and the waves were gentle today.

After an idyllyic couple of hours we said goodbye to Sant Pol, grabbed some tomatoes and baguettes for a possible beach picnic in Santa Susanna later and caught the train back. It was after 4pm by the time we got to Bon Repòs, so no chance at the menú del dia but there was plenty to choose from on their normal menu and as ever the service and food was great. Just as we were finishing the rain came on – it was like some sort of jinx, that’s three times now sitting at Bon Repòs we have experienced the onset of a shower, which is quite remarkable given how little rain we have seen on this whole trip.
We made it back to the hotel without getting too wet, but once there the downpour began in earnest. Unfortunately the rain was on for the whole evening, so any plans for a beach picnic or a twilight ramble or a date with the feet fishes had to be set aside. We had a picnic at home, polished off the one remaining bottle of wine from Alta Alella and found we had the finishing touches of our packing to do, which always seem to take longer than expected. Bags packed and lined up at the door – it was lights out for the last time and adeu to our Catalan adventure.