2023-04-22 – Sant Jordi’s eve spent in Malgrat

improvised singing in Malgrat de mar on the eve of Sant Jordi day

Last Updated on 29 April 2024 by gerry

Having seen how lively Malgrat de Mar was yesterday evening, I suggested we go along again today (Saturday afternoon) to check out the Sant Jordi weekend atmosphere. It was another sunny / blustery day, so we brought our beach gear with us as an option. I showed Alison the back road to Malgrat that leads straight to the church square where the three florist shops are located, sporting their roses in many guises for Sant Jordi day.

At the Ajuntament we could hear a single accordian playing and some folk singing and we discovered a community gathering with a performance of improvised songwriting in a traditional catalan style. Four men on stage with one accordian and a few microphones. It was like a freestyle rap contest but celebrating the catalan language by composing verse on the hoof. Very entertaining, even though we could understand very few of the jokes.

We grabbed a coffee / beer and then while Alison looked in a few shops I continued with my ATM mission and actually achieved a successful outcome with a Sabadell ATM which only charged €1.80 and offered a fair exchange rate and the option to make the transaction in Euros, which is advantageous on a Starling bank account. So that’s that problem solved. It only took us 7.5 weeks.

I fancied a wee beer on the beach and headed for the nearest supermarket, a Caprabo. It’s funny – it was only after catching up with Alison after I’d been in to get the beer, that she pointed out it was the same supermarket we’d been in on our first visit to Malgrat in March. Coming at it from a completely different direction, that observation had totally passed me by.

Alison had bought a beach blanket yesterday, so this was our first opportunity to use it. What a difference it makes – so much more room than lying on a couple of towels. The beach beyond Malgrat was a bit windy but we persevered for an hour or more enjoying what sun there was and watching the para-glider-surfers. We had a notion to get a evening meal in Malgrat on the way home but after stopping for a couple of glasses of wine in the church square we decided to get home and each what was left of last night’s chickpea curry.

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