Last Updated on 20 March 2025 by gerry
Following a pleasant exchange of Tweets last night, @kenarmstrong1 pointed me to some lyrics he had written. Not that accustomed to such collaborations, I printed out his lyrics and took up the challenge today. Fortunately the first idea I tried seemed to fit okay….I think. What do you reckon?
It was a pleasure to try out my new Samson USB microphone – worked a treat straight out of the box. The guitar I’m playing is my son’s 3/4 size classical.
Lyrics: Ken Armstrong, Music: Gerry Mulvenna
Thanks *so* much for doing this. I’ve never had a lyric ‘tuned up’ before and I am hugely chuffed.
I love the creative/collaborative process so if you see any tweaks in the lyric which would bring the piece along further, please feel free to mention them – we can do it here. 🙂
As I was saying, ‘loo’ bugs me a bit – even ‘poo’ might work better. But that’s ‘me’ not ‘you’. ‘Read poetry when I poo’? Perhaps?
Should it be just called ‘Took up with you?’ your refrain brings that possibility to the fore nicely.
I propose we share all the profits on this songwriting endeavour 50/50, would that be fair?
Now, off to tell my wife, who I wrote it for… all cause I now look left and right before crossing the street. Thanks again.
No probs, Ken – I’m glad you’re chuffed. I was pleasantly surprised that the chord sequence I tried first seemed to work. I’d struggle with tweaking the lyrics as it’s your “emotional space”. It’s a while since I “took up” with anyone. And as for trimming fat off my meat…. 😉
Trish, my wife, is terribly chuffed altogether… 🙂
Would it work a little more up-tempo. I sensed it was a ‘Grandma’s Feather Bed’ type of a vibe… but I like yours.
I can certainly experiment with livening it up a notch. I was aware it might come across a bit limp for a love song.
No pressure Gerry. You’ve done more than enough already. but if you see merit in ‘interrogating the material further’ lyric especially, then that is something I would enjoy.
Nice to hear you sing a new song in an old way, like memories from the future! Have a good weekend.