2023-04-04 – platja de Cavaió

Mediterranean monster on platja de cavaió

Last Updated on 29 April 2024 by gerry

Today was another restful day, taking it easy in Arenys de Mar. It was another lovely sunny day, so we donned our swimwear and headed to the beach beyond the docks in Arenys, which is called Platja de Cavaió, a very long wide beach. Even on a Tuesday afternoon we are seeing the beaches here more populated with sunbathers, people fishing with rods and even swimmers. I was determined to have another dip in the ocean myself.

The way the ocean hits the beaches here, there is generally a very steep shelf as you enter the sea and after only a few metres you are in quite deep. Today the sea had less of a swell than on my birthday so I was able to bob about for a bit longer. Not too long as it is still pretty cold in there.

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